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Eco - Hommie Household Products Trading

Home Dishwashing Sponge  for Sustainable Living


Company Description 



Coco E-Sponge is an eco-friendly dishwashing sponge made from Coconut Husk Fiber Scrubber and Cellulose sponge materials by Eco-Hommie enterprises. This innovative product is sustainable and eco-friendly, reducing pollution and plastic waste in the Philippines. It is commonly used in Filipino households for everyday dishes washing. Coco E-sponge promotes sustainability by using organic and plant-based materials like Coconut Husk and Cellulose, which are absorbent and eco-friendly. It is a valuable contribution to the environment and is a popular choice for Filipino households. Overall, Coco E-Sponge is a sustainable and eco-friendly option for everyday household use.

“To promote a sustainable dishwashing sponge that will give satisfaction to every household.”



“To be one of the leading sustainable dishwashing sponge that is recommended by every household.”




Core Values

S - ustainable
P - assion
O -ptimistic
N - eatness
G - od-fearing
E - xcellence

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